Available REST APIs Available REST APIs

  • Profile & Social Networking: get profile and anagraphic information or boost your content's reach by making it easy for people to share it on Virtual Research Environments (VREs).  Get started
  • Information System: learn how to interact with resources hosted in the Infrastructure and its Virtual Research Environments (VREs). Get started
  • Workspace (Storage Hub): learn how to browse, upload and download user's workspace files and folders.  Get started
  • Resource Catalogue (gCat): learn how to publish and search collections of metadata for items including data, services, and related information objects.  Get started
  • Geoportal: learn how manage complex space-temporal documents, their materialisation and Indexing in different platforms while maximising reusability. Get started

Spatial Data Infrastructure Spatial Data Infrastructure

offers standard-based services for managing spatial datasets and associated metadata: