Available REST APIs Available REST APIs

  • Profile & Social Networking: get profile and anagraphic information or boost your content's reach by making it easy for people to share it on Virtual Research Environments (VREs).  Get started
  • Information System: learn how to interact with resources hosted in the Infrastructure and its Virtual Research Environments (VREs). Get started
  • Workspace (Storage Hub): learn how to browse, upload and download user's workspace files and folders.  Get started
  • Resource Catalogue (gCat): learn how to publish and search collections of metadata for items including data, services, and related information objects.  Get started
  • Geoportal: learn how manage complex space-temporal documents, their materialisation and Indexing in different platforms while maximising reusability. Get started

Spatial Data Infrastructure Spatial Data Infrastructure

offers standard-based services for managing spatial datasets and associated metadata:


Identity and Access Management Identity and Access Management

D4Science Identity and Access Management (IAM) system uses state-of-the-art industry standards for authentication and authorization by fully adopting OpenID Connect (OIDC) for authentication and User Managed Authorization (UMA 2) for authorization flows. Both protocols are specializations of the generic OAuth 2.0 specification.

Learn how it works and how you can use it to obtain access to D4Science resources.

Shiny (Proxy) apps Shiny (Proxy) apps

A Shiny (proxy) app can be deployed in different ways:

  • It can be a public app available in Docker Hub or any other public container registry. In this case, the image name and the run command are the only requirements.
  • A build of a public image can be requested, it must be accessible from our Jenkins instance so that the process can be automated. The result container image will be uploaded into Docker Hub.
  • A build of a private image can be requested, it must be accessible from our Jenkins instance so that the process can be automated. The result container image will be uploaded into the D4Science's private registry.

For any of the above, request support for a new functionality.